22nd of May 2017
I'm doing a draw-battle against 2 other artists in StripGlossy magazine.
There are 4 battles and the winner gets his comic published by them.
I won the first round and this is the second one.
You can vote for me for round 1 at

6th of March 2017
I'm doing a draw-battle against 2 other artists in StripGlossy magazine.
There are 4 battles and the winner gets his comic published by them.
You can vote for me for round 1 at

1st of August 2016
It was the best year so far. I met a lot of great artists.

Our booth at small press

Mike Mignola - Hellboy

Frank Cho - Wonder Woman

Humberto Ramos - Crimson, Spider Man

J. Scott Campbell - Danger Girl

Stanley "ArtGerm" Lau - Amazing illustrator

Mark Brooks - Spider Man, X-Men, Cable & Deadpool

Alberto Ruiz - Illustrator

Siya Oum - Lola xoxo
6th of July 2016
This year again I will be present at the San Diego ComicCon on July 21-24.

22nd of May 2016
Went to the Knokke-Heist comic festival and met a few great artists today.
From left to right: Georges "Geo" De Buyser, Jessica "Burning Lilly" Raes and me.
Great time with Mauro Padovani.

My booth with my daughter Sakura and lovely wife Katleen.

17th of April 2016
Present at the Comic Fair at Ghent
22nd of March 2016
Just got a proof of Code of the Cynja volume 2. Looking good.

14th of March 2016
Today my new studio was delivered in one piece. Finally a workplace all for myself.
7th of July 2015
I just met one of my heroes while on ComicCon San Diego. Stan Lee himself.

10th of January 2014
I am proud to present my first illustrated book in collaboration with Heather C. Dahl and Chase Cunningham.
The world needs more heroes. The cyber world is both thrilling and threatening but it doesn’t have it’s own superhero. That’s why we created The Cynja, you know a Cynja is a cyber ninja. The world needs more Cynjas.
The Cynja is an illustrated story introducing kids to the awesome world of cybersecurity and technology.
Visit for more info.
14th of May 2013
Today I started working on a childrens book for a firm in the United States. Unfortunately I can't tell you more about it only that it will be published this year
30th of January 2013

This month the Trading Card Game "Forgotten Myths" van Anchora Games started it's live Beta.
Here are some screenshots from the game with some of my illustrations.

At the homepage you can find the logo I made.
The Cavalry Apprentice in action.
In your card deck you can examine the illustrations up close. Here is the Grey Wolf.

Here are some more cards with illustrations of mine. I also designed the icons you can find at the top and the bottom.