Other illustrations
Here you can find all the things I have trouble categorizing. Have a look, some of them might pique your interest.
The Cynja

Cover created for the children's book "The Cynja Volume 1".
Big Daddy misses Littles Sisters

This is a tribute to one of my favorite games "Bioshock".
Always protect her Nutella

This painting was created as a wedding present for my brother-in-law and his bride.They are both riding on their dog and she is holding Nutella which she absolutely loves.
Mecha Epsilon
The War Mace
Heads or tails
Dragon Flame
Forgotten Myths booster packs 
The Fear
Weapon Study

Cursed Girl

Phoenix wings
Tattoo Cas & Dag
This tattoo was created for a woman with 2 children.
One of them is name Cas and the other Dag.
She wanted one tattoo with both their names on it and there needed to be a Yin-Yang somewhere to symbolize her and her husband.
When you tilt your head to the left you can read CAS and when you tilt it to the right you can read DAG. Neat, huh. |